ಅಕ್ವೇರಿಯಂ ಸಸ್ಯಗಳ ವಿಧಗಳು


Rotals are a genus of stem plants belonging to the family Lythraceae (Derbennikovye). There are more than 100 species in total, but only a few of them are used as aquarium plants.

In nature, they grow on all continents in a warm climate, with the exception of Antarctica and Australia. They are found in swampy areas of rivers, swamps and other slow-flowing water bodies. Able to grow both on wet substrates in the air, and in a state completely immersed in water.

It is under water that Rotals acquire a red color palette and the greatest variation in leaf shapes, for which they are highly valued in aquaculture. They are considered demanding plants that need a high degree of illumination and additional top dressing.

Popular types and varieties of Rotal

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಚಿಟ್ಟೆ

Rotala macrandra “Butterfly” or Rotala butterfly, trade name Rotala macrandra “Butterfly”

ರೋಟಾಲ ವಲ್ಲಿಹಾ

Rotala wallichii, scientific name Rotala wallichii

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ವಿಯೆಟ್ನಾಂ

Rotala vietnam, scientific name Rotala sp. Vietnam

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಗೋಯಾಸ್

Rotala Goias, scientific name Rotala mexicana, variety “Goias”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಮುತ್ತು

Rotala pearl, English trade name Rotala macrandra “Pearl”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಹಸಿರು

Rotala green, scientific name Rotala rotundifolia, variety “Green”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಝ್ಯಾಲೈ

Rotala Gialay, scientific name Rotala rotundifolia, variety “Gia Lai”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಇಂಡಿಯನ್

Rotala Indian, scientific name Rotala Indica

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಕೆಂಪು

Rotala red, scientific name Rotala rotundifolia, variety “Colorata”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ರೊಟುಂಡಿಫೋಲಿಯಾ

Rotala rotundifolia, scientific name Rotala rotundifolia

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಮಕ್ರಂದ್ರ

Rotala large-stamen or Rotala macrandra, scientific name Rotala macrandra

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಮಕ್ರಂದ್ರ


Rotala macrandra “Green”, English trade name Rotala macrandra “Green”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಮೆಕ್ಸಿಕನ್

Rotala mexican, scientific name Rotala mexicana

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಮಿನಿ "ಟೈಪ್ №2"

Rotala mini “Type No. 2”, English trade name Rotala macrandra “Mini Type 2”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಮಿನಿ "ಟೈಪ್ №4"

Rotala mini “Type No. 4”, English trade name Rotala macrandra Mini “Type 4”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ನಾನೆನ್ಶನ್

Rotala nanenshan, scientific name Rotala sp. Nanjenshan

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ರಾಮೋಸಿಯರ್

Rotala Ramosior, scientific name Rotala ramosior

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಸೂರ್ಯಾಸ್ತ

Rotala sunset or Rotala sunset, the English trade name Rotala sp. “Sunset”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಬ್ರಿಂಡಲ್

Rotala brindle, trade name Rotala macrandra “Variegated”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಅಂಗುಸ್ಟಿಫೋಲಿಯಾ

Rotala narrow-leaved, English trade name Rotala macrandra “Narrow Leaf”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಅಂಗುಸ್ಟಿಫೋಲಿಯಾ


Rotala narrow-leaved green, English trade name Rotala macrandra “Green Narrow Leaf”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಸಿಲೋನ್

Ceylon Rotala, scientific name Rotala rotundifolia, variety “Ceylon”

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಎನ್ಯೆ

Rotala Enye, scientific name Rotala sp. Enie

ರೋಟಾಲಾ ಜಪಾನೀಸ್

Japanese Rotala, scientific name Rotala hippuris

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